Protect donors and staff from airborne transmission of viruses, bacteria and help keep the blood-bank environment clean and safe.
The need for donated blood never wanes. According to the American Red Cross, every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, and approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day. Every second of every day, donated blood saves trauma patients, organ transplant, surgery patients, those with chronic illnesses, and those battling cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
Blood banks are often high-traffic, busy facilities, with donors and staff coming and going, occupying the same space via air currents. To reduce the risk of airborne transmission of infectious diseases and keep the blood-bank environment safe both for donors and staff, there is an ongoing need to continually dis-infect the air.
Novaerus plasma is powerful, yet gentle. With no harmful byproducts, it is safe for use around children, the elderly, and the sick. Novaerus portable units are simple to use, low-maintenance and highly effective for rapid or continuous infection control, odour mitigation, and particle reduction.
Learn how Novaerus patented ultra-low energy plasma technology can safely and rapidly restore and maintain a safe operating environment in your blood bank.
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